Administration 2012

Expenses for management and marketing 2012

The following expenses for marketing, administration and traveling are completely covered by contributions from members, sponsors, public institutions as well as from sales revenues and the “5 per Mille” tax credit. The net expenses for our administration add up to 79.489 Euro or -8,9% compared to 2011.
This reduction is positive, because we employed 2 staff in Brixen, moved to a new office and celebrated our 10th anniversary. We have been able to practically neutralize our expenses on this account, due to the many donations in kind we received for this.
Rounded figures
2010 2011 2012
Rent and utilities 6.690 2.577 2.277
Travel, fuel, lodging 18.120 25.220 12.805
Office supply, stationary 787 1.111 1.543
Equipment and furniture 33 2.362 1.721
Communication, shipping 4.740 2.802 4.675
Public relations 11.981 11.554 3.819
Meals, Extras 715 670 737
Events 165 10.325 2.854
Allowances and salaries 38.632 39.439 49.058
Purchase of products for resale 231 1.242 975
Total 82.094 97.302 80.464
- Costs of products for resale -231 -1.242 -975
- Travel contributions paid by volunteers and visitors -5.360 -8.802
Total net administration 76.503 87.258 79.489


Rent and utility costs: This item includes the rent and other expenses for our office in ‘Haus der Solidarität’ until June 2012, as well as the running costs for our new office in Bahnhofstrasse in Brixen, which we are able to use thanks to the generosity of Zeno Kerschbaumer. We would also like to thank Burkia & Dumel, Dachverband für Soziales und Gesundheit and their president Mr. Stefan Hofer, Wolf Fenster, Euroform, Serima and Mr. Martin Weissteiner for the decoration and planning. The painter Franz Pichler from Steinegg and the electrician Werner Prantl both provided their work and services free of charge. The house insurance was covered by Eisendle Versicherungen (Bozen).
Travel, fuel, lodging: This includes flights to Thailand, as well as the reimbursement of travel expenses for members and the board as part of the association’s activities. Also accommodation when in Thailand or on trips around Europe are included. In 2012 apart from Benno Röggla, also Katya Waldboth and Alessandra Degli Esposti flew to Thailand. We also have 7 free bus trips a year from/to Munich airport from Rauchreisen/Südtirol Bus. Thank you!
Office supplies: This includes small purchases, toner, printer ink, etc. Special thanks go to Amonn Office in Bozen.
Equipment and furniture: This includes the purchase of 1 laptop computer, IPad etc, which are covered through a special fund (calculations in 2013). We thank Magnus Computer for their assistance.
Communication, shipping: This includes all costs for the office phone, internet and sending of receipts, the annual report to all donors, invitations, etc. Raiffeisen Online have given us a 3-year free internet connection, as well as a router. Thank you!
Public relations: This includes printing and graphic work, as well as costs for our donation seal ‘Sicher Spenden’, which has increased to 600 Euros. We would like to thank the South Tyrolean Volksbank for taking over the costs for the printing of our newsletter. OBI, Elektro Clementi, Microtec, Oberhuber Carpenter and Steufer Bau GmbH covered the costs for the printing of our 10-year brochure. Weger printing company helped with the printing of our Christmas cards. Thank you!
Meals, Extras: This covers especially the costs for accommodation and meals of our staff and board members in South Tyrol/Europe.
Presentations, events: This includes the rest of the expenses for the film tournee “Burma Displaced” from December 2011, as well as for our 10-year anniversary celebration.
Allowances and salaries: for Katya Waldboth (until July 2012), Alessandra Degli Esposti, Karin Thaler (from October 2012), as well as for Burkhard Kofler (accounting) and Thomas Öggl from Schlanders (summer internship in our Brixen office 07/08/2012).

To calculate the real expenditures for our administration, from the total expenses we deduct the costs for the purchase of goods for occasional sales and the amounts donated by travelers for their flights to Thailand (2012=0).

Overview 2012

Overview of the international balance „Help without Frontiers“ 2012

The whole Help without Frontiers family got through this difficult year well. Our activities have been increased in all countries where we are present, our cooperation has been intensified. In this way we have been and are able to produce a synergetic effect, which leads to qualitative and quantitatively better help.
Our thanks go to the three managers: Ann Siraporn Kaewsombat (HwF TH), Ann Amann (HoG CH) and Manuela Hinterbeger (HoG A).

Description HoG I HoG A HoG CH HwF Th Total
Total income
695.355 51.558 20.081 59.779 826.773
Total income
58.664 3.214 3.258 5.612 70.748
Total investments
in aid projects
576.132 18.000 15.918 53.565 663.706
Total administration
expenses after deductions
79.489 6.988 1.999 6.925 95.401

In 2012 the Help without Frontiers family was able to invest a total of 663.706 Euro in its projects.