Transport & Mobility conflict Map

conflict 1
Why the Alpine Environment faces over-proportional impacts from traffic-induced air pollution. The Alpine Region is located at major European crossroads linking Europe from South to North and from East to West. With globalisation and an increased European integration, traffic volumes through the Alps have increased considerably over the last 20 years. In freight transport only, the five major trans-Alpine ...
conflict 2
A future-proof Alpine mobility depends on effective noise reduction. Increasing freight and passenger transport volumes on road and rail lead to high noise pollution in the narrow Alpine valleys. The topographic features aggravate the noise impacts: the amphitheatre effect leads to high noise propagation, so that noise generated in the valleys can also affect higher-altitude regions. While modal shift ...
conflict 3
Finding a good balance between preservation and further development needs. One of the main features of the Alpine Region is its outstanding natural and cultural heritage. The Alpine Region forms an area of mountainous habitats that is extremely rich in biodiversity and resources. A sound environment is essential for underpinning human activities in the Region and for ensuring economic and social wellbeing ...
conflict 4
Improving connectivity and accessibility: closing links and providing new solutions for cross-border travel information. A well connected public transport network will become a crucial element in preserving liveability and economic activities in remote Alpine areas. The Alpine Region suffers from an unbalanced demographic trend, whereby cities and peri-Alpine areas grow constantly in population while ...
conflict 5
Congestion in the Alps: smart solutions for an optimised capacity use and for limiting safety and environmental impacts. Increasing transport volumes do not only lead to environmental problems but also cause congestion, especially on the major Alpine corridors. On some of these motorways, capacities are already fully used during regular working days and come to their limits during peak holiday travelling ...
conflict 6
Sustainable mobility requires appropriate infrastructures: challenges with the construction of modal-shift infrastructures. Shifting passenger and freight transport to sustainable transport modes requires the implementation of smart incentive systems as well as the development of high-quality infrastructures. Especially for rail transport, the further extension of infrastructures is necessary to avoid ...
conflict 7
Why stakeholder involvement is a crucial factor for developing sustainable mobility solutions in the Alps. The transformation of Alpine mobility towards more sustainable modes and services leads to several trade-offs: new infrastructures need to be developed which shift environmental impacts to other areas (e.g. noise impacts from neighbourhoods along motorways to settlements along railway lines), ...
conflict 8
Finding a balance between accessibility for tourists as well as local needs and the environment. Tourism is a major economic activity for the Alpine Region. However, it does not only lead to positive economic impacts but also brings along challenges for preserving the precious environmental and cultural heritage of the Alps as well as considering specific needs of the local population. Most Alpine ...
conflict 9
Development and harmonisation of modal shift measures requires common and coordinated approaches. Most Alpine countries and regions have implemented policies to improve modal shift and to reduce the environmental impacts of freight and passenger transport. These measures reach from regulatory measures like driving bans or speed limits to pricing measures with the aim to improve the level-playing-field ...
Rolling highway (ROLA) © Land Tirol The EU-Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) is the fourth macro-regional strategy endorsed by the European Council in 2016 with the objective to promote sustainable economic and social prosperity of the Alpine Region through growth and job creation, by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity, while at the same time preserving the ...